Have you noticed your vehicle vibrating or pulling to one side? It may be time for an alignment. Pot holes, curbs, and natural wear & tear can cause a vehicle’s wheels to come out of alignment. Let us get things straightened out and get you back on the road.

The alignment of a vehicle refers to the suspension system which connects the wheels to the vehicle. When alignment is off, your tires aren’t pointing in the same direction or sitting at the correct angle to the road. Misaligned wheels can cause uneven & premature tread wear and improper steering, potentially leading to major safety issues.

We use the most state of the art system in the industry, the Hunter Hawkeye Elite®, to get your wheels in proper alignment. It’s powered by WinAlign® software with the most extensive vehicle information database in North America. This software provides step-by-step instructions specific to the vehicle being serviced, ensuring you get the best alignment for the best ride and tire longevity.